I was recently contacted by the owner of this Minton Victorian tiled floor in Kidderminster. The tiles had been covered over with carpet which I suspect was due to some the tiles being missing. Now uncovered it was stained with glue and carpet underlay was still stuck to the tiles in places. The owner was keen to have the floor fully restored including replacing damaged and missing tiles. We can replace missing or damaged tiles however the problem with old Victorian floors is finding matching replacements due to the unique patterns that many have. Fortunately, due to the popularity of Victorian tiles there are several suppliers who sell reproductions and occasionally you can find originals on ebay.

I went over to survey the floor an could see the tiles were certainly in need of some love and care. As part of the visit I carried out a test clean on a patch of the floor and the results were very satisfactory, so the owner asked me to go ahead.
Cleaning/Repairing a Minton Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor
On the day of arrival my first job was to spray the floor with neat Tile Doctor Remove and Go, this is a powerful cleaner/stripper which set to work on removing the glue and carpet underlay, this product will also remove any old sealer. I then left the solution to dwell and worked the chemical in with my buffer and a black pad removing the slurry with a wet and dry vacuum.
The tiles were then treated to an acid wash using Tile Doctor Acid Gel to further clean them and counter any potential efflorescence problem which is a problem with floors of this age that were installed without a damp-proof membrane. The product was scrubbed into the tile and grout, rinsed off with water and then extracted with the wet vacuum.

Once the floor was clean, I checked the colour of the tiles so I could cut and replace the missing section. I had managed to source some tiles that were a close match and set about cutting all the tiles to size and then fitted them using a flexible rapid set adhesive. The newly laid tiles needed to set, and the floor needed to dry out before we could apply the sealer.

Sealing a Minton Victorian Tiled Hallway Floor
The floor was left to dry overnight, on my return in the morning I tested the floor with a damp meter to check the moisture levels and ensure it was dry enough for sealing. I was satisfied it was dry so was able to proceed and seal the floor. Five coats of Tile Doctor Seal and Go Extra were applied which takes a lot of time as you need to wait for the previous coat to dry before applying the next. This product is a semi-gloss breathable sealer which gives a nice sheen to the tiles and fully protects them. It really allowed the colours and detail of the pattern to shine through and being breathable it will cope with any moisture rising though the floor.

The client was very happy with the overall finish and was really pleased that the Victorian tiles were now restored to their original appearance. It a fact that original features like these are in demand and add a lot of value to a property.
Source: Victorian Minton Tile Cleaning and Restoration Service in Kidderminster, Worcestershire
Tile Doctor have a range of sealers that cover all types of finish and situations. If your not sure which product is best for your floor do call our helpline on 0345 512 0122 to discuss.